Youth in Agribusiness

Youth in Agribusiness

‘Adoption of Agribusiness and use of Renewable Energy Technologies for Agriculture by Youth in Kenya’ contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals by helping to transform the way energy is produced, distributed and consumed.  The project is supported by Energias de Portugal, S.A. (EDP) under the Access to Energy (A2E) CSR Fund Program.

As the project promoter, Co-operative Bank Foundation partnered with seven schools in Marsabit, Isiolo and Kwale Counties to:

Region/Location: Marsabit, Isolo and Kwale counties

Category: Energy, Water & Agriculture

Project Name: Adoption of Agribusiness and use of Renewable Energy Technologies for Agriculture by Youth in Kenya

Description: 7 solar power greenhouses and drip irrigation for 7 schools in arid and semiarid areas.


  • Agrotunnel international – setting up and maintenance of the solar greenhouses
  • Future Pump Company Ltd – Provide solar irrigation pumps
  • 7 Secondary Schools in semi-arid regions of Isiolo, Kwale and Marsabit County
  • Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries – Provide support, technical skills and conductive policy environment
  • Ministry of Education Science and Technology – Support the adoption of the model to more schools across the country and champion the formation of Agribusiness clubs by students
  • County Government – Integrate and leverage the project to other development programs in the County and share knowledge and learning across community platforms

Beneficiaries:  6.000 direct and 10.000 indirect

Duration (nº months): 12

Power Installed: 60-100 kWp


Tiwi Girls Agribusiness Club Members Display their Business Plans

Tiwi Girls Agribusiness Club Members Display their Business Plans



Loglogo Girls Marsabit Transplanting Tomatoes

Loglogo Girls Marsabit Transplanting Tomatoes



Matuga Girls Students Harvesting Tomatoes and Spinach

Matuga Girls Students Harvesting Tomatoes and Spinach



St Paul's Kiwanjani Students Training on Driplines

St Paul’s Kiwanjani Students Training on Driplines



  • Promote adoption and uptake of agribusiness enterprises among Kenyan youth
  • Enhance knowledge and skills in agribusiness and use of renewable energy
  • Enhance nutrition sensitive agriculture among schools in arid and semi-arid areas
  • Strengthen economic stability of students to enable them to grow the agribusiness project
  • Share knowledge of lessons learnt and increase interest in agribusiness among the youth and other stakeholders
  • 7 Agribusiness enterprises set up in 7 public schools
  • Set up of Incubation facilities to encourage young agribusiness innovators in high schools
  • Food security and nutrition for students in Schools enhanced
  • Students earn an income from sales made from food surplus
  • Technology transfer and dissemination to students to enable them to start tech-smart agribusiness enterprises after school
  • Improve youth knowledge on Agribusiness and access to Finance
  • Youth Champions from each School who value Agribusiness
  • Facilitate access to mentorship programs through the Co-operative Bank Foundation program

Growth in agriculture… is there anything cool for the youth?

  • Ford Foundation
  • EDP
  • GIZ
  • Yusudi
  • Ministry of Health
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries
  • Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
  • MoneyGram Foundation