Expected Outcomes
Enhanced contribution to financial inclusion in Kenya by continued innovation and expansion of bank’s services to unbanked communities in both rural and urban areas in Kenya
Increased and diversified sources of revenue for the Foundation with established levels of organizational efficiency and effectiveness within a well-developed resource management plan.
Increased alignment of Co-op Banks CSR programs to the economic empowerment needs of the low income.
Improved and outstanding impact of CSR programs on livelihoods of co-operative members in Kenya thereby contributing overall social, economic and environmental value to co-op bank stakeholders .
Increased external visibility of the organization with improved internal vibrancy including refined roles and responsibilities for all Foundation staff.
Communication Strategy
A variety of internal and external communication methods will be used to communicate CSR news and messages clearly and effectively. These efforts will be used to embed in the culture of the organization the profile of CSR so that stakeholders can understand their relevance , particularly around the given metrics.