Promoting Community Engagement across the Bank

Promoting Community Engagement across the Bank

Promoting Community Engagement across the Bank
Implementation Framework
  1. Co-op Foundation will report to the board of trustees and company secretary focusing on delivery of annual work-plans that delivers on priority objectives and commissions specific strategy CSR activities
  2. Each year, an annual implementation plan for each priority area will be developed to deliver the Corporate Responsibility Strategy and ultimately realize our mission.
  3. The annual work-plan will contain the following :
    • The first step will be to develop concept papers guided by the new thematic areas ensuring that the CSR objectives are aligned to the overall bank’s strategy of alleviating poverty and improving livelihoods in the country.
    • Launch concept papers through use of established networks with donors
    • Depending on level of donor interest develop full program proposals and source funding
    • Establish the expenditure baseline on foundation programs and suggest measures to monitor and measure the impact of the CSR activities over a three year
    • Recruit staff to implement the programs based on the program funds.
    • Develop systems for monitoring, evaluating and reporting program activities so as to ensure sustainability.
    • Ensure that the community engagement work is linked to cooperative membership activity and other stakeholders.
To promote community engagement across the Bank and develop programs which enhance the resilience of the communities we live in.
  • Create real time platform for staff on intranet to be able to share ideas and learning and provide updates of the banks CSR programs
  • Introduce more bottom up engagement to give staff a voice in regards to selection and participation in CSR programs of the Bank.
Expected Outcomes

Enhanced contribution to financial inclusion in Kenya by continued innovation and expansion of bank’s services to unbanked communities in both rural and urban areas in Kenya

Increased and diversified sources of revenue for the Foundation with established levels of organizational efficiency and effectiveness within a well-developed resource management plan.

Increased alignment of Co-op Banks CSR programs to the economic empowerment needs of the low income.

Improved and outstanding impact of CSR programs on livelihoods of co-operative members in Kenya thereby contributing overall social, economic and environmental value to co-op bank stakeholders .

Increased external visibility of the organization with improved internal vibrancy including refined roles and responsibilities for all Foundation staff.

Communication Strategy

A variety of internal and external communication methods will be used to communicate CSR news and messages clearly and effectively. These efforts will be used to embed in the culture of the organization the profile of CSR so that stakeholders can understand their relevance , particularly around the given metrics.

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  • Ford Foundation
  • EDP
  • GIZ
  • Yusudi
  • Ministry of Health
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries
  • Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
  • MoneyGram Foundation