Growth in agriculture… is there anything cool for the youth?
Growing up in Kadzandani, Bamburi division in Mombasa county as a first-born son to two other brothers in a family that wasn’t well off was a challenging experience; there were drugs everywhere and few people to look up to. It meant I always had to set the pace and be a role model to them.
This meant making sacrifices and having a hardworking mentality from a young age. I was always good academically as a child. Towards my completion of primary school, Bamburi Cement company officials took time to come and give us a motivational talk, promising to offer a scholarship to the best performing pupil for the 2011 KCPE in collaboration with Co-operative Bank Foundation.
I managed to score 372 marks and was the best pupil that year. This was the beginning of my dream journey with CBF and the Bank. Such moments reinforced my confidence and belief in my abilities. I realised I had the power to create my own future. Through the Bank’s financial support, I was able to join Ribe Boys’ National school in 2012.
I am certain that it would have been very challenging to my parents to cater for the fees given the large expenses the school had. It was a relief to them. I continued with my great form and, equipped with my self-drive, I always performed well throughout the four years in high school. In the final year, I received a letter from CBF that motivated me further as they promised to offer University Scholarships to the four best students in the coast region.
As an opportunist, I took the chance and managed to score an A- of 78 points, and I was among the best four in the region. In 2016, I joined Masinde Muliro University of Science and technology for a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics. Once again. I made the most of my time there and graduated as the top student in my 2020 Economics class with a second-class upper division of 68.
Looking back, I feel proud of my accomplishments and achievements as I worked hard, listened to the advice I was given, focused on my studies and grabbed every single opportunity that came my way. As a football fan, I look up to the greats; Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi.
They have been able to achieve more than any other player for 15 consecutive seasons because their hard work, discipline and consistency has always been above the rest. In Cristiano’s words, “Talent is nothing without hard work.” I attribute my success to Bamburi cement factory, (Anastacia Cherono and Caroline Adhola) my mother Nelly Ramko for her advice, my aunt, Mary Richard for her support during the scholarship application, CBF and the Bank.
I am indebted to you all. I am grateful that we crossed paths, all this has been possible because of you. I hope I made you all proud. My goal is to become better with each step I take in life. I also look forward to giving back to the society to make our community a better place than it is.
Thank you!