Growth in agriculture… is there anything cool for the youth?
0ne out of five people in developing countries still lives on less than $1.25 a day and there are still millions more who earn little more than this daily.
Globally, 795 million people are undernourished, and in particular, infants and the poor. Therefore, there is need to double agricultural productivity to curb the problem of food insecurity.
Progress has been made towards eradicating HIV, TB and malaria and ensuring the availability of clean water. However, there is still need for further effort to fully eradicate these diseases.
Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning
Obtaining quality education is the key foundation to improving people’s lives. As much as major progress has been made towards increasing access to education, there is still need for bolder efforts to make even strides in achieving universal education goals.
There has been women empowerment under the Millennium Development Goals, however, women still suffer discrimination and other forms of injustices. If women are allowed to take part in key activities in the society like education, healthcare and political and economic decision-making, there is a high likelihood of sustainable economies.
Ensure access to water and sanitation for all
The availability of clean water is an essential part of the world we want to live in; basically, there is sufficient water on the planet we live on. However, due to poor economic leadership and infrastructure, millions of people, especially infants, die annually due to lack of clean water hence the need to come up with this goal to fight these deaths.
Energy is key to most global challenges and opportunities such as jobs, security, climate change and food production. Sustainable energy transforms millions of lives and economies.
Having a job does not guarantee that one will escape poverty. This is due to insufficient work opportunities and inventions.
Infrastructure is crucial to achieving most global goals. Industrial development, on the other hand, is a primary source of income generation that will in turn rapidly improve the living standards of people. Since industrialisation is directly related to technology, lack of technology results in minimal industrialisation which eventually leads to no development.
The international community strives to lift people out of poverty. However, there are disparities in accessing health and education facilities, especially within developing countries. These policies ought to be universal.
Cities in the world enable people to advance socially. The UN aims at having cities that offer opportunities for all with access to basic services.
The UN aims at doing more and better with less. This can be made possible by creating awareness and educating consumers on sustainable consumption patterns and lifestyles.
Scalable solutions should be put into place to enable countries to move towards cleaner and more resilient economies. This is because climate change is a global challenge. Solutions for such problems are therefore arrived at internationally, for example, the Paris Agreement that was aimed at lowering global temperatures by 2 degrees.
Conserve and sustainably use oceans, seas and marine resources
The world’s oceans drive most habitat systems. Most of nature, for example, rainfall, weather, coastlines and even the air we breathe is regulated by the sea, hence the need to come up with goals for proper ocean management.
Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation
Forests cover about 30% of the earth. They provide food security, shelter, combat climate change and protect biodiversity as well as the homes of indigenous people. Deforestation therefore affects many lives negatively.
The UN aims at having peace globally with equal provision of justice to all.
Partnerships built upon principles and values, shared goals and long term investments are needed in critical sectors, especially in developing countries.